Industrial Imanak

Industrial Imanak

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Industrial Magnets China Industrial Magnets Manufacturer Ningbo Sine Magnetic Company Limited manufactures many kinds of industrial magnets. It is the general name for the permanent magnet used in a variety of industries, industrial equipments and products. They can be produced by different magnetic materials such as neodymium magnet, ferrite, SmCo and Alnico material. Furthermore, industrial magnets can be magnetic assemblies which consist of magnet and some other parts like metal, plastic,...

  • FOB Prezioa: US $ 0,5 - 9.999 / Piece
  • Min.Order Kopurua: 100 Pieza / piezak
  • Hornidura gaitasuna: 10000 Pieza / Hileko per piezak
  • Portua:Ningbo, Shanghai
  • Ordainketa baldintzak: L / C, D / A, D / P, T / T
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    Industrial Imanak

    China Industrial Imanak Manufacturer

    Ningbo Sine Magnetic Company Limited manufactures many kinds of industrial magnets. It is the general name for the permanent magnet used in a variety of industries, industrial equipments and products. They can be produced by different magnetic materials such as neodymium magnet, ferrite, SmCo and Alnico material. Furthermore, industrial magnets can be magnetic assemblies which consist of magnet and some other parts like metal, plastic, nylon and etc. The main applications are all kind of motors, stators, rotors, generators, engines, couplings, lifters, separators, filters, tools, electric vehicles and so on. 

    Lau mota hauek  iman iraunkorrak guztiak dira industrial iman gisa erabili. Beren ezaugarri desberdinak eta performance dela eta, industria-produktu desberdinak dira aplikatu. Adibidez, Neodimio burdina boro iman eta ferrite iman dira, batez ere motor eta sorgailu erabiltzen. Gehienezko eragile Alnico iman tenperatura da 550 ~ 600 ℃, dira unibertsalki industrial tresna eta metro mota ezberdinak egiteko erabiltzen da. NdFeB iman alderatuta, SmCo iman tenperatura altuak ingurunean gehiago egokia lan daude. Gainera, SmCo  iman iraunkorrak  korrosioa eta oxidazioa erresistentzia oso indartsuak dira. Horregatik dute oso zabalduta nazionala defentsa industrian, industria militarra, mikrouhina gailuak, sentsore, engranaje magnetiko, prozesadore magnetiko eta makina elektrikoak erabiltzen dira


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